Poets are those who love,--who feel great truths, And tell them.

October 27, 2012


by Lia H.R.
Standing alone
In the freshly cut lawn
sipping the lemonade
From my aged teacup.
Looking at empty chairs 
And empty tables, wondering
Why you left
Why you died.
Sitting on cool grass
Watered by my tears, 
Screaming out your name
What if?
What if?
Walking through my
Memories of you and me
And their car and your car.
Fire seared to the back of 
My mind, hot and flaming as it
Reaches towards me.
Your ghost smile and
Dead laughter echo in my sleep.
Tear-stained face and choked voice 
As you slip away.
I grasp.
I stretch.
I never make it…
Open eyes and blank stares 
As the blood pools around you
Broken smile and furrowed brow
Could not believe it was true.
Call me selfish 
But why aren’t you here?
Call me cold
But why are you dead?

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