Poets are those who love,--who feel great truths, And tell them.

January 24, 2013

My Heart

by Derian

My heart is a battle ground filled with anguish and torture;
I can hear echoing laments from within me.
Once a pure soul resided in my body;
now it's forever tainted with pain.
My heart yells out for retribution,
it cries for all that has be lost in it's hardship.
Even though my icy cold exterior doesn't expose all that has happened,
it doesn't mean it never did happen. 
The blazing inferno that takes my heart captive 
wishes to decimate all who have done wrong to me.
My heart was full of love; now it contains cruel love.
The light which once made my days bright
vanished along with everything I have ever loved.
My heart... My heart... My heart. 
Gone, but never forgotten.

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