Poets are those who love,--who feel great truths, And tell them.

February 16, 2014


by Anonymous

One day I met this girl
She was so beautiful
She always smiled

I envied her, I still do
She is smart, kind, and strong

But one day I heard the bricks chip
The paint that covered her eyes began to strip
And I saw what she hid

Fear, distrust, pain, and
Her many scars

That was the day I knew
I would break the wall down
I would strip the paint
I would open the door

But I couldn't

The door only opens from the inside

I want to give her the key
I want I open it for her
But I can't

But one day she will open it
She will walk through it

No she will break it down
And she will see the faces

of those who have been waiting

She will see the scratch marks

that she's placed on the door fighting to get out

she will be free

I trust she will open the door
I know she will win the war

But until then
I will patiently wait
Because I trust her
And I love her

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