Poets are those who love,--who feel great truths, And tell them.

December 15, 2007

What Friends Are

by Kenn

Friends are the all knowing ones
Friends are the understanding ones
Friends will be at your side no matter what
Friends are the kind and generous ones
Friends help each other out in their times of need
Friends are happy for each other
Friends are right there when you just need to cry
Friends are the ones
who help you out a bad relationship
Friends are the ones
who are always happy to see you
Friends are the first ones
to hug you after you come off a plane
Friends are the ones
who will take you to a dance if you don’t get asked.
Friends are the ones
who don’t judge you for what you look like
Friends are the ones
that care mostly about you, not how popular you are.
Friends will stand up to you
if it is for your own good.
Friends will stand up to the bullies
that hurt you in both physically and mentally.
Friends don’t use you to get more friends.
Everyone loves there friends
Friends love you back.
Don’t forget, you are there friend too.
So, love them and care for each other

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