Poets are those who love,--who feel great truths, And tell them.

November 5, 2008

No Clue

by Derek

If beauty's skin deep and brains are forever
Then let's lie in bed and think together
Your beauty's unbounded and your wisdom unspoken
Let's lie around and fix bonds broken
My problem is that you love me no more
But just for me, clarify the score
You've taken my love and captured my heart
And in its wake you left not even a spark
But hate you I can't and never will
For my feelings for you can't ever stay still
The flame of this heart can never quell
Even when I feel unwell
My love has no limits but neither does your hate
So all I can do is sit here and wait
You think I don't fight but you are wrong
If I had my way I'd fight all day long
24/7 365 days a year
It wouldn't be a chore, it would be my career
I'd dedicate my life to winning your heart
And these three words will be my start:

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