Poets are those who love,--who feel great truths, And tell them.

February 1, 2008


by Anonymous

Death would be so easy,
just hold a gun to your head,
pull the trigger and you're dead.

It would release you from the grasp of reality,
and pull you into an embrace of mysticality.

A feeling that you'd never come across,
would engulf you like fire coats leaves,
and very soon you would be free.

Only a coward would take the easy path of suicide,
and though you should enjoy life if nothing else,
I would enjoy the solitude of death greater.

So yes I'm a coward,
but at least I'm a happy one.
Free to do as I will,
with a hole through my head.

Note from web site owner: If you are having suicidal thoughts or are feeling overwhelmed in any way, please e-mail me at wuzzle5@aol.com so we can talk.


  1. please.. dont do it. i feel the same way alot, but its not the right way to go. i am here for you if u need me, because i dont wanna see you get hurt

  2. this is like the best peom ever it shows how a lot of people do but are afraid to tell anyone i feel this way constantly ...i feel your pain
