Poets are those who love,--who feel great truths, And tell them.

May 19, 2007


by Jahmila

This poem is for all.
I want to shove people against the wall.
All they ever do is think about themselves
They don't think of anyone else.
People say just cause someone's a prep
Means that they never get depressed.
They say goths are total geeks,
Thy think they're bat head biting freaks
I'm sick of people!! THAT IS IT.
Please, please stop it! You make me sick.
Not all preps have no feelings,
not all goths are freaks.
Not all emos cut
and just cause because you like school
doesn't make you a geek.
No one cares.. Get out of each others hair.
Stop the sterotyping, stop now I say;
You're just hurting each other
and pushing people away!
Maybe people wouldn't be so sad,
Maybe they wouldn't be mean
If you would stop calling them names
And thinking that they're freaks.
Not all people act just the way you think.
Stop being jerks, just stop being mean!!!


  1. Wow that was amazing I can relate please write more because you are great

  2. If there was any way to agree more to what you said, it would be here. That poem is very true and, I think, it should be shown to many people to get them to understand what is happening here. Amazing job on the poem!
